
2013 April 14: Gain/Lose Units

Gaining/Losing Units, Fall 1901:


Eligible to Gain: 0
Units gained:
  1. None


Eligible to Gain: 1
Units gained:
  1. None


Eligible to Gain: 2
Units gained:
  1. A Marseilles


Eligible to Gain: 2
Units gained:
  1. F St Petersburg (NC)
  2. A Sevastopol


Eligible to Gain: 2
Units gained:
  1. F Rome
  2. F Naples


Eligible to Gain: 1
Units gained:
  1. A Constantinople


Eligible to Gain: 2
Units gained:
  1. F London
  2. A Liverpool

Resolution of Gaining/Losing Units, Gain/Loss 1901:

Unit Locations:
  1. A - Galicia
  2. A - Serbia
  3. F - Albania
Controlled Territory:
  1. Budapest*
  2. Vienna*
  3. Galicia
  4. Tyrolia
  5. Bohemia
  6. Serbia*
  7. Albania

Unit Locations:
  1. A - Prussia
  2. A - Kiel
  3. F - Holland
Controlled Territory:
  1. Kiel*
  2. Berlin*
  3. Munich*
  4. Prussia
  5. Silesia
  6. Ruhr
  7. Holland*

Unit Locations:
  1. A - Belgium
  2. A - Portugal
  3. F - West Mediterranean
  4. A - Marseilles
Controlled Territory:
  1. Paris*
  2. Brest*
  3. Marseilles*
  4. Picardy
  5. Burgundy
  6. Gascony
  7. Belgium*
  8. Portugal*

Unit Locations:
  1. A - Sweden
  2. A - Livonia
  3. F - Rumania
  4. F - Gulf of Bothnia
  5. F - St Petersburg (NC)
  6. A - Sevastopol
Controlled Territory:
  1. Saint Petersburg*
  2. Moscow*
  3. Warsaw*
  4. Sevastopol*
  5. Finland
  6. Livonia
  7. Ukraine
  8. Rumania*
  9. Sweden*

Unit Locations:
  1. A - Piemonte
  2. A - Trieste
  3. F - Tunisia
  4. F - Rome
  5. F - Naples
Controlled Territory:
  1. Rome*
  2. Naples*
  3. Venice*
  4. Apulia
  5. Tuscany
  6. Piemonte
  7. Triest*
  8. Tunisia*

Unit Locations:
  1. A - Bulgaria
  2. A - Smyrna
  3. F - Aegean Sea
  4. A - Constantinople
Controlled Territory:
  1. Constantinople*
  2. Ankara*
  3. Smyrna*
  4. Armenia
  5. Syria
  6. Bulgaria*

Unit Locations:
  1. A - Denmark
  2. F - North Sea
  3. F - Norway
  4. F - London
  5. A - Liverpool
Controlled Territory:
  1. London*
  2. Liverpool*
  3. Edinburgh*
  4. York
  5. Wales
  6. Clyde
  7. Denmark*
  8. Norway*

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