Welcome to Diplomacy, a Game of International Intrigue.
In order to get started, this will outline the Game Methodology, Game Timetable, and Nation Assignments.
Game Methodology:
-Communication between players will not be regulated. You are free to communicate with other players in whatever fashion you choose (phone, email, twitter, etc) that you have available. While this communication will be self-governed, it is expected that it will maintain civility and respect between players.
-Game Host communications. Please restrict most communication with the Game Host email to submission of Orders. Questions regarding the game should be restricted to this thread using the "Reply to all" functionality. In the event that there is a dispute/question with the resolution of Orders, submit a comment to the appropriate post on
-Orders must be turned in by the stated deadline. Deadlines and changes to deadlines will be published at least 48 hours prior to being met (generally earlier). This email account will be checked upon the arrival of the deadline, and only orders received by that time will be processed. If there will be a conflict, the player is expected to make arrangements to have orders submitted on time.
Orders may be submitted as early as the player chooses, however Order revisions will not be accepted.
-Orders should use the following format.
Email subject line should contain the Season (Spring/Fall) and the year (1901, etc). The first set of orders will be for Spring 1901.
Hold: [Unit Type] [Origin Province] HOLD
Hold example: F London HOLD (or) F Lon HOLD
Move: [Unit Type] [Origin Province]-[Destination Province]
Move example: A Paris-Burgundy (or) A Par-Bur
Support: [Unit Type] [Origin Province] S [Full order of supported unit]
Support example: A Gascony S A Paris-Burgundy (or) A Gas S A Par-Bur
Convoy: [Fleet] [Origin Province] C [Full order of convoyed unit]
Convoy example: F Black Sea C A Ankara-Sevastopol (or) F Bla C A Ank-Sev
[Unit Type] - What type of unit being ordered. F for fleet, A for Army.
[Origin Province] - The location of the unit at the beginning of the move phase.
[Destination Province] - The desired location of the unit at the end of the move phase.
[Full order of supported/convoyed unit] - Basically a repetition of the full order of the unit to be supported or convoyed.
Province full names or accepted abbreviations (listed in the "2013 April 02: Pre-Game information" post on
lnhdiplomacy.blogspot.com) may be used in writing orders.
*To avoid confusion, each order should be on a separate line.
-Retreat/disbanding must be resolved within 12 hours of Order Result email.
Once orders have been resolved, an email will be sent with current standings. Players who need to resolve retreat/disband of units will be notified and must make decisions within 12 hours of notification.
In the case orders for retreat/disband are not received within the allotted time, the unit will be disbanded.
Players should NOT consult with one another regarding retreat/disbanding during this time.
-Order results and current standings. Following the resolution of Orders and movement phase, a new post will be made on
lnhdiplomacy.blogspot.com. This post will contain:
-All submitted Orders.
-An updated map.
-An updated province control list.
Game Timetable:
The Game of Diplomacy involves a lot of communication and negotiations and time will be allotted for such.
Spring orders will be due at 23:00 US Mountain Time on Wednesdays.
Fall orders will be due at 23:00 US Mountain Time on Saturdays.
Gaining/Losing Unit orders will be due at 23:00 US Mountain Time on Sundays.
In the event that orders are not received for a Season:
-All of that Nation's units will default to HOLD.
-That Nation will still have the opportunity to declare retreat/disband.
-Gained units will default to Armies, placed in eligible supply centers alphabetically.
-Lost units will remove units farthest from the country first. If units are equally distant, then Fleets will be removed before Armies and then in alphabetical order by the provinces in which they’re located.
In order to allow for initial strategies/alliances to be formed, the first set of Orders, for Spring 1901, will be due on Wed, 10 April at the usual time.
**NOTE: Should the game still be running at the time, it will be suspended and orders will not be due/accepted on May 1, 4, 5, 8, 11, and 12. Orders will be again due/accepted on May 15 at the usual time. Reminders will be sent.**
Nation Assignments/Starting Units:
Austria/Hungary (red)
A - Vienna
A - Budapest
F - Trieste
Germany (Black)
A - Berlin
A - Munich
F - Kiel
France (Lt Blue)
A - Paris
A - Marseilles
F - Brest
Russia (White)
A - Moscow
A - Warsaw
F - Sevastopol
F - St. Petersburg (SC)
Italy (Green)
A - Rome
A - Venice
F - Naples
Turkey (Yellow)
A - Constantinople
A - Smyrna
F - Ankara
England (Dk Blue)
A - Liverpool
F - London
F - Edinburgh